Outreach and Engagement
Long Term Vision (Past) Outreach and Engagement
We Heard From 400 Participants at 11 Workshops
Between November 2024 and January 2025, the UDOT Trails Division, in coordination with UDOT Region representatives and local planning agencies, held workshops throughout the state to gather input in this next step of planning to further define the vision for the Utah Trail Network.
Engagement objectives were to invite city and county staff, elected officials, subject area experts, partner agencies, and other interested parties the opportunity to:
Learn about the Utah Trail Network program and the vision planning effort.
Identify potential trail projects and regional destinations for consideration in the Utah Trail Network.
Share input on how the Utah Trail Network can support local values and address community needs.
Thanks for your participation. We're using this information to develop our Utah Trail Network. For further input please reach out to utahtrailnetwork@utah.gov.
Initial Programming (Past) Outreach and Engagement
UDOT convened a series of workshops to gather input on potential regional trail projects in your area that may be candidates for the state funded Utah Trail Network. The vision of the Utah Trail Network is to build a regional paved trail network throughout the state to connect Utahns of all ages and abilities to their destinations and communities. The workshops provided participants the opportunity to:
Learn about the UTN process for project selection and guiding principles of the program.
Identify potential projects for the UTN based on local and regional input.
Imagine new regional trail connections that are not on a plan but would provide a critical link.