The Vision

Background & Vision

During the 2023 Utah legislative session the legislature passed SB 185. In that bill there is a provision that allocates $45 million in on-going funding and $45 million one-time funding to UDOT to build, operate, and maintain a paved regional trail network. 

The vision is for UDOT to build and maintain a network of paved trails throughout the state that connect Utahns of all ages and abilities to their destinations and communities. This network should be a comfortable and reliable option for those walking, biking or scooting. When built out, the network should create a regional trail spine, or backbone, with local facilities tying in wherever possible, making it seamless for someone to jump on for any distance they need. 

Secondary benefits of this trail network include creating opportunities for people to be together outside. This trail network is called the Utah Trail Network or UTN. UDOT created a new Division, the Trails Division, to oversee this funding and implement the UTN program.